The PMO can be segmented in Controlling, Directive and Supporting. I personally like a Directive/Supporting (D/S) PMO and I consider it more effective than a Controlling one. So, to improve the processes of a D/S PMO, along with the services, tools, techniques, and templates, we need to listen to the business -to the people. Our role is the one of a strategic team player along with all the Project Managers in the front line of Project Delivery. The PMO is not under the directions of the PMs, or above them, but behind them, to support them and directing/coaching them towards delivering even greater results.
I wish one day I will be working with a D/S PMO were we can standardize processes and procedures to enhance the project delivery of great project managers. I want to help people bring value to a company, through training, timely assistance, explaining a project template, co-operation, adapting new templates, facilitating meetings, collecting data sets of Project Portfolio, and finding improvements in project management activities under the best practices and Project Management standards.